Importance of well balance diet
All food contains all of the nutrients we need to be healthy, it is necessary to eat various foods in sufficient amounts. A good diet will include many different foods, and sufficient in quantity and quality to meet an individual’s need for food energy and other micro nutrients.
Typical serving size:
3 medium passion fruit (1
6 oz or 45 g)
Bloating and flatulence
Cell functions
Collagen production
Weight gain
Passion fruit is a delicious tropical fruit that has either dark purple or yellow, dimpled skin
tough shell is inedible; when it wrinkles, then you know the fruit is ripe
The seeds can be eaten or the
juicy pulp inside can be strained
Easily remove seeds
If you’d like to remove passion fruit seeds, simply strain the pulp and juice through a cheesecloth
or another nonaluminum sieve
Health Benefits
Boosts vision and bone health
The vitamin A in passion fruit contributes to healthy vision and bone
It stimulates white blood cell production and activity, and regulates other cell functions
boosts your immune system and may also reduce your risk of cancer
Pumps up the immune system
Filled with the powerful antioxidant vitamin C, passion fruit
defends against harmful free radicals, also helps fortify your immune system, and fights off infection
It stimulates collagen production, which supports healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood vessels
Aids digestion
Passion fruit is a great source of dietary fiber if you eat the seeds
This helps
improve digestion and prevent constipation and it makes you feel fuller faster, which can help with
weight control
Health Risks
Digestive discomfort
While passion fruit is delicious, eating too many of them in one sitting could
boost your dietary fiber too quickly and cause gas, bloating, cramps, or diarrhea
Spoon out the pulp and eat it plain, put it on ice cream, or add it to yogurt
Strain passion fruit pulp, cook it over medium heat in a saucepan for 5 minutes, then drizzle it over
strawberry shortcake
Buying Tip
Look for passion fruit that is heavy and firm
If the skin is green, it may not be ripe yet
As the fruit ripens, the skin will turn red, purple, or yellow
Don’t let ugly skin scare you off
Even if the skin looks dimpled or wrinkled, as long as the fruit doesn’t
feel too soft, it should be in good shape
Storing Tip
When the passion fruit is ripe, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week